Archive for February, 2009

Next: Banish Sports Snouts from Public Troughs
February 28, 2009

In the Washington region, there is a constant stream of sports teams demanding stadiums from the DC, Maryland or Virginia governments.  Meanwhile, they pay their employees salaries way above the President’s.  Ill-tempered and bad-mannered employees, that is, who would be fired from any other job.

Even bankers, as a group, behave better than the sports pros, as a group.  Now that we have bashed bankers into shame, let’s move on to the irresponsible, antitrust-protected sports enterprises.

Cut the players’ salaries.  Since they eat more than bankers, point them to cheap eats. Culinspiration knows one way.

Next, remove the antitrust protection of the teams. Let them compete on a level playing field, like any other business.  Banish their snouts from public troughs.

Encourage teams to put their savings into a rainy day stadium repair and construction fund, if they’re too dense to get the idea.

New York Violins
February 23, 2009

After screwing the country and small shareholders for years and getting ultra-rich on mania-mergers, Wall Street now objects to the nationalization of banks.

Instead of thanking all of us. Heck, screw them — let them declare bankruptcy if they don’t want our help.

Let all the super-merged companies declare bankruptcy as they see fit. What’s so scary about bankruptcy? The pieces will still be there, and if capitalism can prove itself, certainly small entities created from the pieces will invigorate the economy.